Limitless Foundation (LiFo) is a non-governmental organization, aimed at promoting Equality, Environmental Protection and wellbeing of Children, Youth and Women. The organization was established on 13th June 2020 with the aim to helping the children who live on the streets, shelters, orphanages and other vulnerable areas especially in the Rural areas, the goal was to help keep the children and young adults warm, feed and clothed through provision of different necessities, the organization was initially ed Limitless Charity organization, after 2 years of operation The organization was officially registered under the Companies Act, 2017 (Act No. 10 of 2017) of Zambia on the 15th November 2022. LiFo strives to advocate and lobby for children and Women’s rights while promoting sustainable Environmental management as tools to alleviate poverty. We are currently operating in two provinces: Lusaka and Copperbelt with the focus on Children, Youth and Women Living on the Streets, Shelters, Orphanages and other Vulnerable areas.
Limitless Foundation remains committed to its mission of providing support, education, and awareness on critical issues affecting Childrren, Women and the Environment. Intrested parties are free to reach out for any inquiries partnerships, collaboarations or volunterr and be a part of the limitless foundation family